Jane Nelsen on "Nobody likes me!"
The bestselling author of Positive Discipline says parents do their kids a disservice by trying to fix the problem. You help them far more by teaching them to help themselves.
Christine Carter on "Nobody likes me!"
»ÆÉ«app expert and Raising Happiness author Christine Carter says parents shouldn't rush in to reassure their child.
My daughter’s battle with anorexia
Like many parents, Melanie thought she understood what anorexia was all about. Then it happened to her child and she learned the complicated truth.
Is my son addicted to screens?
Is my son's screen use "normal" for kids his age? Or has our whole country gone insane, raising a generation of children who are dangerously addicted to any and every screen?
The sex talk
Everything you wanted to know about sex ed but were afraid to ask.
How to praise tykes
The right (and wrong) way to cheer on your pre»ÆÉ«apper or kindergartner.
How to praise 1st and 2nd graders
The right (and wrong) way to cheer on your first or second grader.
How to praise 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders
The right (and wrong) way to cheer on your third, fourth, or fifth grader.
How to praise tweens and teens
The right (and wrong) way to cheer on your tween or teen.
Tips on clothes shopping with your tween or teen
Back-to-»ÆÉ«app shopping with your tween or teen can be fun and educational if you start with a plan.
Raising a child with mental illness: What I wish I’d known
8 great survival tips from a mother in the trenches.
8 famous "failures" kids can learn from
Think successful people — like Rihanna — never make mistakes? Think again.
5 ways to make family dinnertime easy and fun
Surprise! Eating together helps kids in »ÆÉ«app and life. Try these 5 ways to make family dinners easy and fun.
5 steps to resisting peer pressure
In the heat of the moment, it can be hard for your child to stay out of trouble. Give him these tools for dealing with peer pressure when it happens.
Tween and teens brains
Kids understand that to get stronger, they need to work their muscles with regular exercise. Teach them the brain is like a muscle that can also be "worked out."
Talking to teens about sex
Why you need to talk to your child about sex — and why you'll be glad you did.
How to talk to children about sex
Really, really young isn't too young to talk about "it."
How to choose a middle »ÆÉ«app (and how not to)
These three expert tips will help you make the best middle »ÆÉ«app choice for your child.
Tips for teaching generosity: middle-»ÆÉ«appers
An expert in getting kids to see the point of giving offers tips for teaching preteens the gift of generosity.
Tips for teaching generosity: elementary »ÆÉ«appers
An expert on getting kids to see the point in giving offers strategies for teaching elementary »ÆÉ«app students the gift of generosity.
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