Tips for teaching generosity: high »ÆÉ«appers
An expert on getting kids to see the point in giving offers strategies for teaching teens the gift of generosity.
Art education in 5th grade
In a rich arts education program, your fifth grader will learn about visual arts, music, theater, and dance.
5 ways to reduce test anxiety
Does your child get stressed about taking standardized tests? Follow this checklist to help ease their worries.
Why boys fail in »ÆÉ«app
He's gifted and once loved learning. Somewhere along the way, my boy slipped through the educational cracks and nearly out of »ÆÉ«app. Is it too late to save him?
Making friends
Five ways to help your child learn about true friendship.
4 ways to keep your child learning
Teach your child that asking questions is fun — and a great way to learn.
7 tips for raising a grateful child
Kids who know how to count their blessings are happier and more successful.
6 heroes your child (and you) can learn from
Think kids grow up to become great American heroes on their own? Think again.
3 little hints to get your child to do what you ask
Tired of your child not doing what you ask? Here are 3 simple ways to give directions that your child can understand and follow.
Books on tweens and teens
Tweens and teens can drive parents crazy. Here are some books to help you understand, and better communicate, with your older child.
7 ways to raise a financially literate child
With »ÆÉ«apps focused on core subjects, there isn't a lot of room for teaching financial literacy. If you want your child to be smart about money, it's up to you.
Raising my son as a girl
One mom's fight for her child's identity
Raising a financially intelligent child: focus on allowances
The authors of The Financially Intelligent Parent recommend giving your child an allowance - but don't tie it to chores.
Raising a financially savvy child
Our readers offer their advice about how to teach money management to children.
Epidemic of expulsions
California’s Kern County at leading edge of national debate over costs and benefits of harsh »ÆÉ«app discipline
Risky sexual relationships in teens with LD or ADHD
Teens with LD and/or ADHD are vulnerable when it comes to sex. An expert tells parents how to educate, not alienate, their teens.
Does your child know your family tree?
Putting together a family tree is a great educational activity that uses math, writing, research, and history skills.
How (and why) to start a parent-child book club
Nurture a love of reading with a parent-child reading club for budding bookworms.
Telling family stories
Now is a good time to start telling family stories. Learn how telling family stories can help your pre»ÆÉ«apper build an understanding of family, generations, and emotions.
Best graduation parties and gifts
Whether you're keeping it simple or going all out, we've got ideas for your celebration.
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