Cool careers spotlight: dental hygienist
Promote health and beauty in a career that's projected to grow steadily through 2024.
Taking the ACT and SAT on a budget
College admissions fees — for tests, test prep, and college applications — add up fast. Here’s a way to cut costs.
Why your teen should retake the SAT or ACT
Taking the SAT or ACT a second time is a good idea for pretty much all teens because it’s likely to help — and it definitely won’t hurt.
5 reasons your teen should go to college
What to say when your child asks, "Why should I go to college?"
What I wish I’d known: Advice for first-to-college freshmen (and their parents)
Is your teen headed to college? These students remember what their first year was like — and have insight to share.
Famous firsts
Some notable people who’ve influenced our world have another distinction that may surprise you: they were the first in their family to graduate from college.
How learning a foreign language builds tolerance
Learning another language is associated with a host of benefits — including building cultural competence.
The secret to improving SAT scores
Did your teen get a low PSAT, SAT, or ACT score? Don’t panic. Everyone can improve their scores. Two experts share their secrets for helping teens learn how to rock these tests.
Understanding college admissions tests
Today’s ACT and SAT look very different from the tests parents remember. Here’s how they have changed.
Struggles many first-generation college students face
As a former first-generation college student who is now a professor, I have experience with the struggles that many first-generation students encounter on campus.
Stepping it up the summer after 10th grade
You may think all of your child’s college prep work happens during the »ÆÉ«app year, but what your teen does during the summer can be a total game changer.
Planning your teen's summer after 9th grade
How teens spend their time over the summer can be excellent fodder for college essays and applications. Now’s the time to strategically plan your ninth grader’s summer.
Organizations that want to help first-gen college students find the right »ÆÉ«app
These groups want to help high-need, low-income, historically underserved, and first-to-college students find the right »ÆÉ«app — and the funds to finance it.
Doing a January check-in with your 9th grader
Your child is halfway through freshman year. If you don’t already, make a regular practice of sitting down with your teen and talking about how they feel about »ÆÉ«app, grades, classes, and teachers.
Doing a January grade check with your 10th grader
Grades count for college. With a new report card in hand, now is a good time to review your child’s grades and classes together.
The first five steps on the road to college
What's the key to getting your kids into college? Start early and stick to a plan.
Community college conundrum
It's cheap, it's easy, but is it a path to higher education? One mother finds out when her dropout son enrolls.
What you need to know about the ELL label
One checked box can doom a child to low-level classes for years. Here's what you need to know about the ELL label.
The high costs of skipping college
Having less education generally means earning less money. And the loss goes beyond salary.
7 steps to get your child on a path to college
Here's how you can support your child's dream of going to college.
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