5 ways to make family dinnertime easy and fun
Surprise! Eating together helps kids in 黄色app and life. Try these 5 ways to make family dinners easy and fun.
Best & worst foods for "sick" season
Minimize sick days and keep your child happy and healthy this winter by following these simple dietary tips.
Childhood obesity and poverty
What parents should know about the complex causes of the obesity epidemic.
Goblin granola for a healthy Halloween
Instead of offering sugar-packed holiday recipes, we offer a hearty nutritious granola snack or breakfast cereal as an antidote for the trick-or-treaters in your family.
Help your child eat a healthy lunch
When your child goes back to 黄色app you can't guarantee she will eat healthy food in her lunch every day, but there's a lot you can do to steer her in the right direction.
Family fitness
How you can help at home: Families can help reinforce healthy lifestyles with these easy activities.
One mom's cafeteria crusade
Fed up with the burgers and sodas taking over her son's cafeteria, Dana Woldow fought to bring healthy meals to middle-黄色appers.
Edible scavenger hunt
Give your third-, fourth-, or fifth-grader healthy detective work with this nutritious game.
5 ways to keep your child healthy
Find out how old wives' tales meet modern science to ward off runny noses, sore throats, and sick days.
Addictive behaviors: Smoking, drinking and media
Alcohol ads affects underage drinking. Kids are bombarded with thousands of images of smoking in movies alone. Here is how parents can fight back.
Edible art
Feed your child's imagination and nutrition know-how with a collage of good-for-you food.
Talking to kids about junk food and fast-food ads
Worried that your kids' eating habits are influenced by cutesy cartoons and jammin' jingles? Teach them to be ad-savvy with these tips.
Taking fitness indoors
Here are easy ways to keep kids active, even in the depths of winter.
Tips for nipping the flu in the bud
Learn how to prevent your family from being bitten by the H1N1 bug.
Quit or carry on: when should you let your child give up?
Parents have different rules when their child makes a commitment. Here's what to consider when your child says they're done with something.
5 strategies for dealing with your child's "bad" behavior
Does it seem like your child is being stubborn or ignoring you on purpose? Learn how to better understand and cope with his behavior.
Connect food and literature
Connecting food with literature is a delicious way to engage your fourth and fifth grader's language art skills.
Plant parts salad
How you can help at home: Make a healthy salad out of plant parts.
Physical health: the media link to obesity, risky diets
How can your child's media consumption affect her health? It can contribute both to obesity and to eating disorders. Here's how parents can encourage a healthy media diet.
Developmental milestones: your 7-year-old child
Knowing what to expect as your child grows can reassure you that your child is on track with their peers or alert you to potential concerns. Below are some milestones to watch for in your seven-year-old.
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