The truth about homework in America
If you’re a parent who is new to the U.S., here’s what you need to know about helping your child with their daily homework.
Everybody hates homework
Skip the homework drama and remember it's about the process, not the product.
When parents feel frustrated by homework
Dread dealing with your child's homework? Try using this expert's tip.
6 ways to encourage young writers
Follow these suggestions to encourage your child's budding writing skills.
Why is algebra so important?
Algebra is known as a gatekeeper subject, so when should your child take it?
Who's really doing the science project? Your child or you?
When teachers assign projects, parents are often unsure how much to help and end up doing way too much, particularly if the child seems overwhelmed.
Creative ways to get your 2nd-5th grader to focus on homework and learn
GreatSchools parents share their stories about the unique, sometimes unexpected ways they boost their children's learning.
All about animals pre»ÆÉ«app worksheets
Give your little one some practice using matching, pre-writing, and counting skills with these fun animal-themed worksheets for pre»ÆÉ«appers.
How emotions affect your child's education
Science is revealing how children's feelings help and harm learning. Here's how adults can support kids so they feel, and learn, better.
Top 10 high-tech math tutors
These guilt-free online games and apps allow kids to have some fun while pumping up their math muscles.
PE challenges for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders
Exercise is important for healthy brain development and it makes a great study break!
6 ways to establish a productive homework routine
6 ways to make homework more manageable and valuable, whether your child is in elementary »ÆÉ«app, middle, or high »ÆÉ«app.
How to help a disorganized child
This simple trick can turn even the most scattered kid into a master of organization.
Fixes for 7 common middle »ÆÉ«app problems
Going from elementary to middle »ÆÉ«app is a big change. Here's how you can support your child socially, emotionally, and academically.
Can your child tell fact from fake online?
Most kids can't, despite being raised on technology. Here's how to help your child learn what to trust online.
5 things to say when your child says, "I hate homework!"
When your child vents that they hate homework, what are you supposed to say? Here's what the experts recommend.
The truth about your 9th grader's GPA
Here are four things parents need to know about freshman year grades — and talking points to explain them to your teen.
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