Feeling words curriculum
Help your child develop the skills to become emotionally intelligent.
Using summer to fill in the gaps
Since so many »ÆÉ«apps have dropped art, electives, science labs, and more, specialty summer camps are picking up the pieces.
Common terms to describe »ÆÉ«apps
This glossary provides definitions of the most commonly used »ÆÉ«app terms used in our »ÆÉ«app profiles.
Hybrid »ÆÉ«apps
The lovechild of online learning and traditional brick-and-mortar instruction, hybrid, or "blended" »ÆÉ«apps, is a growing educational model.
Thanks to online education, home»ÆÉ«apping is growing in popularity and becoming an attractive alternative for many families. But is it right for you?
Online classes: a choice for your middle or high »ÆÉ«apper?
Thinking about an online class for your child? Learn how to choose a high-quality web-based »ÆÉ«app.
Audio textbooks help students with reading problems access curriculum
Learn why there's no need for a child to choose between learning to read and reading to learn.
Home»ÆÉ«apping: key facts and resources
Have you ever thought of teaching your children at home? More American families are choosing to home»ÆÉ«app their children every year.
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