Like a Sponge podcast: Banishing bias from »ÆÉ«app
A Pennsylvania high »ÆÉ«app rebuilt its culture through an antiracist lens. A Texas teacher's culturally responsive teaching builds on the strengths and needs of her students.
Like a Sponge podcast: School culture makeover
What happens when a high »ÆÉ«app realizes that their strict behavior rules are doing more harm than good? One Massachusetts charter »ÆÉ«app revamped their »ÆÉ«app culture one relationship at a time.
How culturally responsive teaching prepares students for true success
Many »ÆÉ«apps have discovered that valuing traditionally underserved students' cultural and individual identities contributes to their long-term success.
Culturally responsive teaching is… good teaching
From helping kids relate to their »ÆÉ«appwork to limiting bias, learn more about culturally responsive teaching.
8 expert tips for coping with kindergarten fears
Teaching your child how to handle her fears will help her learn confidence and resilience.
Arrests of 6-year-olds shows the perils of putting police in primary »ÆÉ«apps
Research suggests putting police in »ÆÉ«apps (formally known as »ÆÉ«app resource officers, or SROs) can quickly escalate what would otherwise be a routine »ÆÉ«app disciplinary situation.
My child looks at media online that I consider inappropriate
All kids encounter inappropriate content online. Here's how to talk to your middle »ÆÉ«app child about it.
5 things to say when your child says, "You're not the boss of me!"
Don't laugh (or lose your temper). Here's what experts say is really going on.
5 things to do when your child wails "But I don't want to go to »ÆÉ«app!"
Experts offer their best advice for handling those inevitable mornings.
Texting sexy pictures can get tweens into hot water. Here’s the lowdown on sexting in middle »ÆÉ«app.
The 5 most dangerous sports for girls
While team sports provide a wealth of benefits, some quite frequently lead to serious head trauma and other injuries. Here's what to know to take precautions.
The 5 most dangerous sports for boys
While team sports provide a wealth of benefits for boys, some quite frequently lead to serious head injuries. Here's what to know so you can take precautions.
Teen's drug-using boyfriend worries dad
A dad, worried about his impressionable 17-year-old daughter, asks parenting expert Annie Fox how to deal with her bad-news boyfriend.
Has it tipped from sibling rivalry to abuse?
6 things to look for that suggest the relationship is off the rails.
Is that love or fear?
»ÆÉ«app choices were once respected as private. Now, judgment from other parents, nosy neighbors, and a bogeyman-fearing society often influences — and overrules — parents' decisions.
House rules on drugs and alcohol
When do parents start talking about it, and what are their rules? Are drunk pickups, no questions asked, a good idea? See how these parents handle tough scenarios.
Teen drivers with ADHD: realities and risks
Getting behind the wheel can be especially risky for teens with ADHD. But with extra time and effort, you can help your teen become a safe, competent driver.
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