Should your kids aspire to these rock stars?
Short and sweet, this film is an inspirational valentine to why all kids should learn to code.
Blended learning 2.0
A blend of edtech and innovative instruction is sparking a turnaround at one inner-city »ÆÉ«app. Could this be a model for others?
Tech in your child's elementary »ÆÉ«app: what to look for, what to ask
All this "ed tech" sounds modern and cool — but how can you be sure the devices and apps your child's »ÆÉ«app is using are actually helping your child learn?
Your child's brain on technology: television
How does TV affect your child's developing brain? Find out in part two of our ongoing series on tech and your child's brain.
Your child's brain on technology: cell phones
Usually in hand, never more than an arm’s length away — just how safe is your tween or teen’s cell phone?
Best graduation gifts
Is June's graduation tassel causing a gift hassle? Not to worry! Here are some gifts to avoid at all costs, as well as presents that will earn you top marks from your new grad.
Laptops and iPads in the classroom
A close look at digital devices in »ÆÉ«apps — what works why it does.
Does your teen have a digital curfew?
A new study finds devices at bedtime are cutting into teens’ much-needed sleep time and directly impacting their mental health.
It’s time for Hour of Code
Join the the global movement to introduce every child to essential STEM skills.
How video games affect a child's brain
Our kids love gaming — should we worry about the effects on their developing brains?
Tech in your child's middle or high »ÆÉ«app: what to look for, what to ask
Kids are using everything from iPads and laptops to smartphones and editing programs at »ÆÉ«app. But how can you tell if all this "ed tech" is actually helping your child learn?
Your child's brain on technology: social media
Social media isn't going anywhere, so parents need to understand how it affects kids and determine what role it should play in our children's lives.
Tech and the brain: tablets
How do e-readers and tablets compare to good ole print-on-paper books when it comes to learning? Find out in part 4 of our series on tech and your child's brain.
RIP cursive writing: keyboarding is king
The Common Core Standards don't include teaching kids to write in cursive, but many states are including cursive in their teaching plans.
Tech ed tool kit
Considering a tech-based »ÆÉ«app for your child, or just want to know more about technology in education? A roundup of what's out there.
Can tech make your student smarter?
Learning guru Annie Murphy Paul did some digging to determine which tech tools will smarten up your child — and which could do the reverse. It all depends on the tech.
8 tips for raising tech-savvy kids
Help your child learn to use technology by integrating it into your home.
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