We suggest printing out these word lists, posting them on your fridge (or somewhere you and your child will see them easily and often), and making a point of using one or two at a time in everyday conversation with your child. Feeling creative? Make learning these new words into a game! The more fun you and your child have learning what these vocabulary words mean and practicing using them in conversation (even silly conversation), the better.
Academic vocabulary lists by grade level

1st grade word list
Here are the age-appropriate “big” words your first graders should learn this year.

2nd grade word list
These vocabulary words for second graders will help your child better understand what they’re reading in class.

3rd grade word list
Knowing words such as additional, example, and typical will boost your child reading and writing skills.

4th grade word list
Knowing words such as avoid, confirm, and obvious will enhance your child’s ability to read, learn, and communicate.

5th grade word list
These “hard” words are essential to your fifth grader’s reading comprehension, understanding of new concepts, and writing skills.

6th grade word list
These are the “hard” words your sixth grader should tackle this year.

7th grade word list
These high-value vocabulary words for seventh graders are important for your child’s deeper understanding of meaning and context.

8th grade word list
These words are important for your child’s reading comprehension and overall understanding of new concepts across many subjects.

9th grade word list
Help your ninth grader learn these academic vocabulary words — it’ll help your teen with reading assignments, writing projects, and oral presentations.

10th grade word list
Help your teen learn these vocabulary words for tenth graders. It’ll help with assignments in every subject now — and with the SAT or ACT later.

11th grade word list
Knowing (and using!) these words will help your teen in 黄色app — and with college admissions tests and essays.

12th grade word list
Knowing (and using!) these vocabulary words will help your high 黄色app senior with 黄色appwork, college admissions tests, and college apps.