Second graders are becoming more skilled at the three kinds of writing they鈥檝e been learning about since kindergarten: opinion, informative, and narrative writing. By the end of the year, they should feel comfortable introducing a topic or opinion clearly, using facts and other information — such as definitions — to write a few clear, well thought-out points about the topic, and then writing one or more sentences in conclusion. If this sounds intimidating, don’t worry. At this age, it鈥檚 far more important to keep the experience positive than it is to police their sentences. Focus on getting your child excited about expressing their wonderful ideas, opinions, and knowledge on paper. For more, read our overview of second grade writing skills and check out these real second-grade writing samples.

10 2nd grade writing prompts

Play by the rules

Where to start: Kids this age care a lot about rules and fairness. Chances are, if kids have a favorite game, they have strong opinions about how to play it correctly. Start with a conversation about a game they love and let them explain it to you. What kind of game is it? (For example, an outside game, team sport, board game, video game, card game, etc.) How many players can play? What equipment is needed? How do you play?

Prompt: Describe your favorite game. What is the most important rule?

How to go deeper: What’s a rule you think should be changed or added to make this game even better? (Use the back of this page to write.)

Just listen

Where to start: This exercise asks kids to focus their attention and then notice and report what they hear. You can start by doing it together and talk about the different sounds. Cars? Dogs barking? Wind? Neighbors? Someone running water in the kitchen?

Prompt: Sit quietly for a few minutes and listen. Now write down the sounds you heard. What do you think made each sound?

How to go deeper: Try this several times at different times of day and compare the sounds you hear in the morning, in the daytime, and at night time. Which is the quietest time? Which is the loudest? (Use the back of this page to write.)

Imagining family

Where to start: This exercise teaches kids to imagine themselves in another person’s situation, and helps them build empathy as well as practice their opinion writing skills. Start with a conversation about siblings and what it might be like to have a different kind of family. What might it be like to be the only kid in the family? Or to have one sibling, or two, or ten?

Prompt: What are three good things about having siblings? What are three good things about being an only child?

How to go deeper: Imagine how you might be different if you were born in a different place (oldest vs. middle vs. youngest child). Or if you are an only child, what do you think might change if your family brought home a baby tomorrow? (Use the back of this page to write.)


Where to start: This exercise asks kids to practice putting events in order. Start with a conversation about bedtime rituals. When does getting ready for bed begin? What happens in what order?

Prompt: Describe your bedtime routine in order, using words like “first,” “next,鈥 and “finally.”

How to go deeper: Now write it as if it’s opposite day, or silly day. How would a very silly bedtime routine go? (Use the back of this page to write.)

Skin, fur, feathers!

Where to start: Start with a conversation about different kinds of animals and what covers their bodies. What do they know about birds, mammals, and reptiles? How are their bodies different from ours?

Prompt: Would you rather have feathers, fur, or scales? Why?

How to go deeper: Write the headings skin, fur, and feathers. Under each header, write as many animals as you can that have each of these coverings on their bodies. (Use the back of this page to write.)

These are the days

Where to start: At this age, a lot of kids are in a hurry to grow up, or wish they had some of the privileges of older kids. Start with a conversation about what’s great about being the age they are right now. Ask them to come up with an opinion that they can support with reasons. There are no wrong answers!

Prompt: What do you think is the best age to be? Why?

How to go deeper: Would it be more fun to be a kid in a grown-up’s body or a grown-up in a kid’s body? Why? (Use the back of this page to write.)

Kindness counts

Where to start: Calling out kind acts increases kids’ capacity for empathy and kindness. Start with a conversation about a kind behavior you’ve noticed, experienced, or performed this week. Who was the recipient? What made it an especially nice thing to do?

Prompt: Write about something kind that you or someone in your family did for another person this week.

How to go deeper: Keep a “kindness spotting” journal. Every evening, write down one kind thing you did, or noticed, or that someone did for you. In one week, read it, and see how it makes you feel! (Use the back of this page to write.)

How did they say it?

Where to start: Descriptive words bring writing to life! Start with a conversation about how many different words can be used instead of “said” that tell the reader how something was said. (For example, yelled, whispered, grunted, declared, asked, answered, cried, etc.)

Prompt: Write an imaginary conversation between two people without using the word “said.”

How to go deeper: Adverbs are words that describe how an action is done. They usually end in -ly. Write a conversation using said and as many different adverbs as you can. (For example, she said sadly, angrily, happily, loudly, etc.) (Use the back of this page to write.)

Fictional friends

Where to start: Ivy and Bean. Harry and Hermione. R2D2 and C3PO. SpongeBob and Patrick. Start with a conversation about fictional friendships and what makes a good friend.

Prompt: Which book or TV character would you like to be friends with? Why?

How to go deeper: Invite your new fictional friend over for a playdate. What would you do together? How would it be different than a regular playdate? (Use the back of this page to write.)

If I were famous

Where to start: What does it mean to be well known? Start with a conversation about what “being famous” means. Rather than explain what it means right away, find out what their ideas are. Different kids will have different ideas about what it means to be famous. A politician on the news? A YouTuber? Can they name someone “famous”? Talk about the different kinds of things that people become famous for.

Prompt: Would you like to be famous? Why or why not?

How to go deeper: What would you like to be well known for? (Use the back of this page to write.)