Eighth graders have likely been exposed to and argument essay writing. In persuasive and argument writing, eighth graders make a research-backed argument for a position they’ve chosen, argue against opposing claims, and end with a persuasive conclusion that summarizes their point of view. They’ve also likely practiced narrative writing (aka writing stories) that describe events in their lives or imagined scenarios. Those are important eighth grade writing skills.
But at this age, writing is far more than just »ÆÉ«app work. Writing is a healthy way for teens to forge their identities, especially as they write opinion papers based on factual evidence or personal essays about their experiences. These eighth grade writing prompts are meant to be accessible, engaging, and inclusive for young teens. Be careful if you critique their writing. Criticism can make adolescents reluctant to expose their ideas and reluctant to write — both of which are far worse than a few errors. Keep the tone positive and curious and you’ll be amazed at what young minds can do!
10 8th grade writing prompts
Rule of law
What’s a rule or law that you think is unfair? How is it unfair, and to whom? What would be a more fair rule?
Keep in mind: The goal of persuasive writing is to convince people to see your point of view. Spend some time thinking about the reasons for your opinion and how to state them clearly.
Bonus: Is it ever okay to disobey unfair rules or laws? Why, why not, or under what circumstances? Talk about it with your friends or family.
Role models
Who do you want to be like when you grow up? Why?
Keep in mind: It could be a public figure, a teacher, a family member, or a friend. Think about the qualities of the person who you aspire to be like. What strengths do they have? What habits seem to help them in their goals? (It’s OK to do a little research.)
Bonus: Who are you a role model for? Does this awareness that someone looks up to you influence your behavior? If so, how?
Good job!
Describe something you did that you’re proud of and why. Tell the story of how it happened. How has that accomplishment influenced you?
Keep in mind: It could be achieving a long-term goal, like making a sports team, or something more everyday, like finishing a book you didn’t want to read, or telling the truth even though it got you into trouble, or not losing your temper when something made you mad. Give the reader some background about how hard this achievement was for you and why you’re proud of it.
Bonus: What’s something you would like to have accomplished this time next year? What can do today to make it more likely that you will achieve this goal?
Digital etiquette
Explain the current guidelines for polite texting to someone who is at least one generation older than you.
Keep in mind: Should they use punctuation? Sign their name? Use read-receipts? What should they know about autocorrect? How fast should they reply? Are there any emojis they should steer clear of?
Bonus: Compare the etiquette for different forms of communication, like Snapchat or a DM on Instagram. How are the rules similar and different?
Top chef
Write about one of your favorite things to cook or make in the kitchen. What goes into it? How do you make it? What does it taste like? Why is it your favorite?
Keep in mind: Be as descriptive as you can about the food you’re preparing and the how and why of each step. Think about how you can use words to make your reader feel things: Can you describe your cooking to make them hungry? Or get them to imagine a smell? Or even cringe with disgust?
Bonus: Imagine how this dish could be served or plated differently. How much would the new presentation change the way people eat or experience it?
None of the above
Is it OK not to vote? Why or why not? If you think it is, explain under what circumstances you think it’s okay.
Keep in mind: Throughout America’s history, certain groups have faced tremendous obstacles to being able to vote. Almost half of eligible voters did not vote in the 2016 general election. What is the risk when people who may have a stake in issues, such as education, healthcare, immigration, minimum wage, the environment, or policing, choose not to cast a vote?
Bonus: What do you think prevents people from voting? What do you think can be done about those barriers?
Problem solver
What was the biggest problem at your »ÆÉ«app last year? How would you have solved it if you were the principal?
Keep in mind: Describe the problem and any efforts that were made to solve it. Why didn’t those efforts work?
Bonus: Imagine you’re heading a task force to figure this out. Which groups would you want represented on the team (e.g., students, parents, teachers), and why?
Reaching out
What might you say or do to help a friend who seems sad or depressed?
Keep in mind: It’s hard to offer support when you aren’t sure how. Think about what might help you in their position. What would you want to hear from someone close to you? What are some things that someone might do to help you feel better?
Bonus: How do you know if someone is feeling sad or depressed? If they don’t tell you, what are signs that might let you know?
I feel you
Do you think that books or movies have more power to make people feel strong emotions? Why?
Keep in mind: What are some elements in a movie that can influence the viewer to feel sad, happy, or scared? How does that compare with the experience of reading words on a page? Are there some emotions that books do a better job of evoking? What about movies?
Bonus: Compare and contrast a book you’ve read and the movie that was based on that book. Which was more effective? Why?
Teen reality
Imagine that the local TV station wants you to help them design a reality show starring kids your age. What kinds of scenarios would you suggest?
Keep in mind: Describe the location, the number of participants or contestants, and the setting. How would kids audition to be on the show? Do kids get eliminated? Is there a final prize? Why would people want to watch this show?
Bonus: Would you want to be on a reality TV show? Why or why not?