Rhyming words: _all
Rhymes with ball! Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _all rhyming pattern.
Rhyming words: _am
What do jam, ham, and yam have in common? Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _am rhyming pattern.
Rhyming words: _at
What rhymes with hat? Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _at rhyming pattern.
Rhyming words: _ee
Tree, free … and more! Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _ee rhyming pattern.
Rhyming words: _et
Rhymes with jet! Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _et rhyming pattern.
Rhyming words: _in
What do chin, pin, and bin have in common? Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _in rhyming pattern.
Rhyming words: _it
What rhymes with sit? Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _it rhyming pattern.
Rhyming words: _op
Rhymes with mop! Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _op rhyming pattern.
Rhyming words: _ot
What do pot, dot, and hot have in common? Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _ot rhyming pattern.
Rhyming words: _un
What rhymes with sun? Practice reading these 5 rhyming words with your pre-reader. Together, you'll identify the letters that are in every word, circle them, and think of another word that fits the _un rhyming pattern.
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