How many marbles?
How many marbles does Rashir have? This math worksheet lets your child practice working with data to answer word problems by reading bar graphs and completing a table.
How many minutes?
This time math worksheet gives your child practice reading analog clocks and doing mental math to solve word problems involving time.
How many sets are there?
This coloring math worksheet lets your child practice counting and drawing sets of items, which lays a foundation for understanding multiplication.
How would you measure this?
This math worksheet helps your child gain familiarity with different units of measurement, including inches, feet, yards, and miles and ounces, pounds, and gallons.
Identifying number patterns, numbers up to 100 #1
Can you see the pattern? This math worksheet presents a series of numbers and asks your child to use addition and subtraction skills to find the next numbers to complete the series.
Identifying number patterns, numbers up to 100 #2
Identifying number patterns, numbers up to 60
Can you see the pattern? This math worksheet presents a series of numbers and asks your child to use addition and subtraction skills to fill in the next numbers in the series.
Identifying number patterns, numbers up to 80
Can you spot the pattern? This math worksheet presents a series of numbers and asks your child to use addition and subtraction skills to fill in the next numbers in the series.
Identifying number patterns, up to 3-digit numbers
Is that a line of symmetry?
Are these lines of symmetry? A line of symmetry cuts a shape into 2 halves that are mirror-images of each other. This math worksheet gives your child practice indentifying lines of symmetry through objects and shapes.
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