Coloring a grid #2
Can you find C,2 on the grid? In this math worksheet, your child will color in the correct squares on a grid, a foundation for learning about coordinate pairs.
Coloring circles
Your child will draw and color circles, as well as learn to write the word blue, in this coloring math worksheet.
Coloring rectangles
Your child will draw and color rectangles, as well as learn to write the word yellow, in this coloring math worksheet.
Coloring shapes
The train and rocket are composed of many shapes. In this coloring math worksheet, your child will identify and count shapes, then draw an original picture made of shapes.
Coloring squares
Your child will draw and color squares, as well as learn to write the word green, in this coloring math worksheet.
Coloring triangles
Your child will draw and color triangles, as well as learn to write the word red, in this coloring math worksheet.
Column addition, 3-digit and 4-digit numbers
This math worksheet gives your child practice adding 4 multi-digit numbers.
Column addition, 4-digit numbers
Compare that!
Heavier or lighter? Bigger or smaller? Longer or shorter? This coloring math worksheet helps your child understand relative size.
Comparing 3-digit numbers
Your child will compare groups of 3-digit numbers in this math worksheet.
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