Reading thermometers
In this science worksheet, your child will read thermometers to determine the temperature in degrees Celsuis.
Reversible and irreversible changes in matter
Some changes in matter are reversible; others aren't. In this science worksheet, your child learns about which changes are permanent, and which changes can be undone.
Reversible changes
Are these changes reversible? In this science worksheet, your child learns about changes to states of matter and determines whether or not they can be reversed.
Did you know that metal things ring when you hit them? In this science worksheet, your child learns to identify some of the properties of metal and some common items made of metal.
Rock detective
What kind of rock is this? In this science worksheet, your child will follow the clues to determine which types of rocks are shown.
Rock properties
In this science worksheet, your child learns the properties of rocks used to build common things.
Roots of plants
Why are roots important? In this science worksheet, your child learns about what roots do for plants.
Rotten teeth
How often do you brush? In this science worksheet, your child will learn about dental hygiene and interpret data in a chart to answer questions.
Rough and smooth stuff
Is that surface smooth or rough? In this science worksheet, your child will evaluate 4 items and list them in order from roughest to smoothest.
Runny materials
In this science worksheet, your child observes the outcomes of an experiment and determines which of 5 liquids is the runniest.
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