Rhyming words: spoon and moon
Which words don't rhyme with spoon? In this coloring worksheet, your child identifies the pictures of words that don't rhyme.
Rhyming words: tree and bee
In this coloring worksheet, your child will circle all the pictures of words that rhyme with tree.
Rhyming words: van and fan
In this coloring worksheet, your child will circle all the pictures of words that rhyme with van.
Rhyming words: wing and swing
In this coloring worksheet, your child will circle all the pictures of words that rhyme with swing.
Did you know that metal things ring when you hit them? In this science worksheet, your child learns to identify some of the properties of metal and some common items made of metal.
Rough and smooth stuff
Is that surface smooth or rough? In this science worksheet, your child will evaluate 4 items and list them in order from roughest to smoothest.
Same shape and size
Which figure has the same shape and size? This math worksheet gives your child practice recognizing geometric shapes when they are oriented differently.
Sentences #1
How many words are in this sentence? In this coloring worksheet, your child gets practice counting words and writing the number in the box.
Sentences #2
Can you count the words in this sentence? In this coloring worksheet, your child gets practice counting words and writing the number in the box.
Shiny (metal) stuff
Metals are often shiny and sometimes reflect images. In this science worksheet, your child learns the properties of metal and identifies which spoon is made of metal and shiniest.
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