Subtracting decimals
What is $6.55 - $3.20? This money and measurement math worksheet gives your child practice finding the difference between 2 decimals to the hundredths place.
Subtracting decimals #2
What is $5.35 - $2.40? This money and measurement math worksheet gives your child practice finding the difference between 2 decimals to the hundredths place.
Subtracting decimals #3
What is $8.23 - $4.78? This money and measurement math worksheet gives your child practice finding the difference between 2 decimals to the hundredths place.
Subtracting decimals #4
What is $8.31 - $2.94? This money and measurement math worksheet gives your child practice finding the difference between 2 decimals to the hundredths place.
Subtracting fractions
This math worksheet gives your child practice subtracting fractions with common denominators and reducing the answers.
Subtracting fractions, common denominators
This math worksheet shows your child how to subtract fractions with common denominators and reduce the answers.
Subtracting fractions, uncommon denominators
This math worksheet shows your child how to subtract fractions without common denominators and reduce the answers.
Subtracting suffixes
Each of these words has a suffix - can you remove it? In this language arts worksheet, your child gets practice recognizing root words and suffixes and gets practice combining each to create new words.
Sunrise, sunset
How does the sun's position in the sky change throughout the day? In this science worksheet, your child compares where the sun would be in the morning and afternoon.
A line of symmetry goes through the exact middle of a shape. This coloring math worksheet gives your child practice with symmetry by giving one half of a shape and asking your child to draw the other half.
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