Read the ruler!
How many centimeters does the ruler show? This measuring math worksheet gives your child practice reading measurements on a ruler.
Reading a calendar
Your child will use these monthly calendars to answer data questions.
Reading and writing numbers
In this math worksheet, your child will practice reading and writing 3-digit numbers in numeral and word form.
Reading bar graphs
Which season is most popular? Your child can find the answers to this and other data questions by interpreting the data on bar graphs in this math worksheet.
Reading bar graphs #2
Which pizza topping is most popular? Your child can find the answers to this and other data questions by interpreting the data on bar graphs in this math worksheet.
Reading bar graphs #3
How many green caps are there? Your child can find the answers to this and other data questions by interpreting the data on bar graphs in this math worksheet.
Reading bar graphs #4
How much money has Ted saved? Your child can find the answers to this and other data questions by interpreting the data on bar graphs in this math worksheet.
Reading bar graphs and pictographs
Where do kids want to go on vacation? Your child can find the answers to this and other data questions by reading the bar graph and pictograph in this math worksheet.
Reading charts
This math worksheet gives your child practice reading a chart and using data to answer word problems.
Reading digital clocks
This math worksheet gives your child practice telling and writing time to the nearest half hour using digital clocks.
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