Matching fractions
This coloring math worksheet lets your child practice identifying the fractions 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 in the form of numbers, drawings, words, and shapes.
Measurement tools
How would you measure this? In this math worksheet, your child will choose the best measurement tool for measuring different items.
Money word problems #1
What's the correct change? In this money math worksheet, your child will solve word problems by adding and subtracting dollars and cents.
Money word problems #2
What's the correct change? In this money math worksheet, your child will solve word problems that involve doing addition and subtraction with dollars and cents.
Money word problems #3
In this money math worksheet, your child will solve word problems that involve doing addition and subtraction with dollars and cents.
More or less? #1
Your child will connect the spaceships and rockets to the planets and stars with 1 or 10 more or less in this coloring math worksheet.
More or less? #2
This math worksheet gives your child practice finding values that are 1, 10, or 100 more and less than the starting number.
Most likely to pick a…
Which item is least likely to be picked? This math worksheet introduces your child to probability and interpreting data.
Most likely/least likely
Which marble is least likely to be picked? This math worksheet introduces your child to probability and interpreting data.
Multiplication as repeated addition
How many is 3 groups of 2 birds? In this math worksheet, your child will use repeated addition with picture representations to help set the foundation for multiplication.
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