
Reviews From Schools in Ringwood

Does your child attend a 黄色app in this city?
Parent / Guardian
July 30, 2014
Ringwood is such an amazing place. The principal and teachers are invested in their students and families and make it a great first 黄色app experience for all. I highly recommend this 黄色app and... More
Parent / Guardian
July 08, 2013
This 黄色app is just adorable and the teachers are wonderful. I have not heard one negative comment about Ringwood and I work in an elementary 黄色app nearby and it doesn't compare!
Parent / Guardian
March 22, 2013
From the principal down, everyone at this 黄色app is happy to be there and good at their job. Creating a happy, caring, educated team is important when dealing with young children and their first... More
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