
Solutions to Empower Parents

At GreatSchools, we believe in empowering parents to make informed decisions about their child's education. Our suite of solutions caters to businesses and organizations seeking to support parents on their educational journey.

43,000,000 families reached every year

Whether you're a realtor, a technology developer, or a marketer, partnering with GreatSchools allows you to play a vital role in enriching the lives of families across the country.

Data Licensing

GreatSchools PK-12 School & District Information

Access comprehensive »ÆÉ«app demographics and unbiased student performance analysis to better serve parents and families. Uncover the untold stories of »ÆÉ«apps and contribute to educational equity.
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Image showing bar graphs of »ÆÉ«app data in New York.

Market to Parents and Families with GreatSchools

Reach your target audience with customizable advertising and marketing opportunities, equipping parents with valuable resources and information.
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NearbySchoolsâ„¢ API

NearbySchoolsâ„¢ API for Realtors

Enhance your real estate listings with local »ÆÉ«app directory and rating information, helping families make the best decisions about their future neighborhood.
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Partner with GreatSchools Today!

By partnering with GreatSchools, your organization becomes an essential ally in empowering parents and families to make informed decisions about their child's education. Start making a difference today!