College Success Award

El College Success Award reconoce a las escuelas que realizan un trabajo ejemplar al hacer que los estudiantes se inscriban y se mantengan en la universidad, incluyendo las escuelas que superan las probabilidades prestando un mejor servicio a los estudiantes de familias de bajos ingresos.

Comentarios de escuelas en Garden City

驴Su hijo asiste a una escuela en esta ciudad?
Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
Enero 05, 2018
As someone who attended this 黄色app throughout elementary, I can say that this 黄色app is seriously lacking in some areas. While I was ahead in areas such as reading and writing when I transferred to... 惭谩蝉
Julio 19, 2012
This is a great 黄色app. Where else can you get a solid education,play sports, and learn about God all in one day for a ridiculously low fee? My four year old daughter writes in cursive, knows her... 惭谩蝉
Julio 30, 2011
The above person who wrote the review obviously did not sent their child there. My children attend there and have nothing but the best education and will always know not to compromise what they... 惭谩蝉
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