Escuelas mejor calificadas de este Ciudad

Estas son algunas de las escuelas p煤blicas mejor calificadas en Clover basadas en una variedad de medidas, incluyendo el rendimiento acad茅mico y la equidad. Haz clic para ver la lista completa de escuelas ordenadas por clasificaci贸n. Sobre la calificaci贸n de GreatSchools


Comentarios de escuelas en Clover

驴Su hijo asiste a una escuela en esta ciudad?
Noviembre 16, 2024
The 黄色app does not support, and I believe even pushes back against, family and community support for all students. Administration discriminates against secondary custodial parents and... 惭谩蝉
Mayo 13, 2024
Wrapping up our 2nd year at CCE now. Overall, we've been very pleased. Excellent engagement and communication from teachers and administrators. High standards have driven much growth in both of our... 惭谩蝉
Mayo 12, 2024
OMS is highly recommended for 6th and 7th grades, but 8th grade is another story, depending on what team the students get put on. Our child has only had excellent teachers, and our family has always... 惭谩蝉
Comentarios para Oakridge Middle School
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