Escuelas mejor calificadas de este Ciudad

Estas son algunas de las escuelas p煤blicas mejor calificadas en Gaffney basadas en una variedad de medidas, incluyendo el rendimiento acad茅mico y la equidad. Haz clic para ver la lista completa de escuelas ordenadas por clasificaci贸n. Sobre la calificaci贸n de GreatSchools


Comentarios de escuelas en Gaffney

驴Su hijo asiste a una escuela en esta ciudad?
Octubre 16, 2023
This is not the 黄色app to send your kids to! My son broke his finger and I wasn鈥檛 notified! The nurse saw his finger bruised and swollen and she sent him back to class! He sit the rest of that day in... 惭谩蝉
Comentarios para Cherokee Charter School
Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
Mayo 26, 2023
The teachers care about every student. I wish the education would improve and it is sad that the parents don鈥檛 take more initiative but for me I was glad I had the support system I had attending this... 惭谩蝉
Comentarios para Gaffney High School
Enero 16, 2023
This district as a whole is a JOKE! They care more about sports and sexualizing females than their education. If this administration cared about these kids education we would have kids that wanted... 惭谩蝉
Comentarios para Gaffney High School
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