Escuelas mejor calificadas de este Ciudad

Estas son algunas de las escuelas p煤blicas mejor calificadas en Lamar basadas en una variedad de medidas, incluyendo el rendimiento acad茅mico y la equidad. Haz clic para ver la lista completa de escuelas ordenadas por clasificaci贸n. Sobre la calificaci贸n de GreatSchools


Comentarios de escuelas en Lamar

驴Su hijo asiste a una escuela en esta ciudad?
Julio 16, 2017
I started my granddaughter in 4k at Lamar Elementary. My granddaughter is now about to start 2nd grade .. I've loved every teacher. Each and every one has worked with her and has helped her to... 惭谩蝉
Comentarios para Lamar Elementary School
Otro (personal de la escuela, miembro de la familia, alumno reciente, etc.)
Abril 18, 2014
My grandson attends kindergarten at Lamar 黄色app ,Lamar,SC..My daughter always has something good to say about the teachers and the 黄色app..I am the grandparent and I live in Indiana..I am so pleased... 惭谩蝉
Comentarios para Lamar Elementary School
Marzo 13, 2014
We moved to the area in November and he was behind in all areas. By January, he was beginning to read. He is excited about learning and loves going to 黄色app.
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